No other business sector has more unique waste products; more need for rolls-offs, dumpsters, plus more complex streams. In other words, you need to save money on your waste as well as make sure that all of your waste streams are being disposed of in an environmentally sound manner. Lincoln Waste Solutions has worked with some of America’s largest manufacturers to ensure their waste is being properly disposed of . . . Lincoln also guarantees we will save you 10% over whatever you spent on waste the previous year.
We will put that in writing before we make the very first pick up. To prove our point, we will give you a portal that gives you access to all of your invoices from the haulers so you can see each month how much we are saving you each month. We provide total waste solutions (for metal and all other MSW materials) that can be tailored to meet your specific needs. We start by liaising closely with your Environmental Services Manager and conducting a total waste audit to calculate your waste spend and begin to show you where the savings will occur.